Deep material network
Novel machine learning approach based on network structure and mechanistic building block
Materials: rubber composite, polycrystalline materials, CFRP (e.g. UD and woven composite)
Small-strain and finite-strain formulations in 2D&3D
Avoiding extensive offline sampling stage
Eliminating the need for extra calibration and micromechanical assumptions
Efficient online predictions without the danger of extrapolation
Arbitrary material laws in online prediction stage
Linear computational complexity to the number of degrees of freedom.
Topology learning of RVE​
Seamless structure-property relationship and material design
Scale linking via direct network concatenation (e.g. three-scale CFRP)
Self-consistent clustering analysis
Mechanistic RVE model reduction based on clustering technique and micromechanics theory
Materials: Particle-reinforced composite, polycrystalline materials
Small-strain and finite-strain formulations in 2D&3D
Avoiding extensive offline sampling stage
Explicit mapping between clusters and RVE parts
Concurrent multiscale simulation ( integrated with LS-DYNA)